Conversations Beyond Science and Religion

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Consciousness Raising in the Land Down Under

On this show we go to the land down under to talk with Brian Creigh, publisher of the Austrialian magazine, Veritas. Calling itself the “world’s most complete consciousness magazine,” Veritas features regular interviews with leaders in the “new consciousness” movement, such as Neale Donald Walsch, Amit Goswami, and Gregg Braden. It offers a unique mix of mind-expanding and health-focused content, while at the same time fulflling one of Brian’s objectives, which is to remain grounded in the real world. Brian joins host Philip Mereton to talk about why Veritas seems to have struck a cord in our rising consciousness. Listen to this episode...

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: How to Find the Genius Within

In ancient Rome, the genius was the guiding spirit of a person. In some people, this spirit shown more brightly and they came to be known as “geniuses.” Today, we recognize special people with highly developed skills in music, art, science and other fields as “geniuses.” Most people have heard of geniuses: Mozart, Rembrandt, and Einstein, to name a few. One field of thought suggests that geniuses are born, not made, as if genius is written in the genetic code. But perhaps the Romans were right and each of us has a guiding spirit that we only need to tap to find our own genius. In this show, Manjir Samanta-Laughton, author of Punk Science and The Genius Groove, joins host Philip Mereton in a discussion of what the new developing scientific paradigm is saying about the hidden genius buried in all of us, and what we can do to find...


Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Punk Science

Punk is a term more often associated with fierce rock music and harsh lyrics than as a form of science. The legacy of punk rock is one of rebellion, attacking conventional society and mainstream culture. “Punk Science” is also the name of a book by this week’s guest, Manjir Samanta-Laughton, of the UK, who has gained international fame for interpreting the findings of physics and cosmology in a new and creative way, and one that challenges mainstream science’s fundamental paradigm. She joins host Philip Mereton in a conversation about what a new scientific paradigm might look like and her own Black Hole Principle. Listen to this Episode...

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: The Power of an Open Mind

It’s hard to argue with the value of an open mind. It’s also hard to argue that many people have one. The problem seems to be that modern life feeds us with so many stereotypes, beliefs, labels, prejudices, and biases with which to categorize our world that we stop thinking “like a child” and more like someone “set in their ways.” Pigeonholing saves time in a hectic world. On this show, Tim Boyd, President of the Theosophical Society, joins host Philip Mereton in a discussion of how open-mindedness is something that not only advances our appreciation for the variety of life, but may also lead us to understand better our true inner nature. Also, in a Something More episode, Philip talks with co-director, Robin Beck of Kima Publishers out of South Africa, about dramatic changes occurring in the publishing world and how his 20-year business continues to prosper. Listen to...


Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: The Meaning of Life

What is the meaning of life? Of all Big Questions, this one may be at once the biggest, and the most befuddling. But can we proceed through life without at some point confronting the question? And, more importantly, does the question have an answer? On this show, Professor Jay Garfield of Smith College and the University of Melbourne (among other institutions), and lecturer for the Teaching Company’s course, The Meaning of Life: Perspectives from the World’s Great Intellectual Traditions, joins host Philip Mereton in an invigorating discussion of different ways to approach this perennial question, and how we might learn from some of history’s great thinkers to find the meaning in our own lives. Listen to this episode...

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Is Religion More Natural than Science?

Science deals with the natural world; religion rests upon the supernatural. Science is empirical, methodical, and self-critical; religion deals with a truth revealed by God, and hence beyond questioning. But some cognitive researchers are finding that religion is in fact more natural than science; it comes fast and easy, and does not have to be taught or experienced. Science, meanwhile, is slow, hard, and time-consuming; it deals with things and ideas far removed from everyday life. The naturalness of religion means that despite all the advances of science, it may never go away. On this show, Dr. Robert McCauley, the Director of Mind, Brain, and Culture at Emory University, and author of the New Scientist article, “Natural Religion, Unnatural Science,” and the new book, Why Religion is Natural and Science Unnatural, joins host, Philip Mereton, in an engaging conversation about what brain research is telling us about the sustained power...


Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Creative Evolution

According to Darwinians, evolution is a random, directionless process without purpose or goal; if it looks creative, it is only by accident. On the other side of the spectrum, the intelligent design movement believes that the only explanation for the order in the living world is God. But are these two viewpoints — Darwinism and intelligent design — the only choices? Might there be a way to explain the evolution of life in a manner that transcends both Darwin and intelligent design? On this show, Dr. Amit Goswami, the author of Creative Evolution, The Self-Aware Universe, The Visionary Window, and many other cutting-edge books, joins host Philip Mereton in a discussion of the weaknesses of both Darwinism and intelligent design, and why we need to find a new way to account for creative evolution. Also on this show is the first installment of Something More, where Philip Mereton talks with...


Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: Is a Worldview Revolution on the Horizon?

Some people observe and critique; others act. Quantum theory, and the indisputable connection between consciousness and reality, continue to drive thinkers toward a new worldview. Among those leading this movement is former physics professor and author of The Self Aware Universe and the new book, How Quantum Activisim Can Save Civilization, Dr. Amit Goswami. Going where others fear to tread, Dr. Goswami has mounted a sustained attack against scientific materialism while advancing a new worldview based upon the consciousness-first paradigm suggested by quantum theory. Listen in as Dr. Goswami and host Philip Mereton engage in an unprecedented conversation as they consider the theory and actions that may form the basis for a new worldview. Listen to this Episode...

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: How to Reach Nirvana

Buddhism is the religion for everyone, and is practiced by people as diverse as Jennifer Lopez and the Dalai Lama. Its principles, from karma and reincarnation to the eightfold path and nirvana, permeate modern culture, though perhaps not in the way the Buddha intended. On this show, former Buddhist monk and author of The Meditative Path, John Cianciosi, joins host Philip Mereton in an enlightening conversation about the way of the Buddha and how we all have the chance to reach our own nirvana. Listen to this episode...

Conversations Beyond Science and Religion: The Bible and Science Revisited

The matter-only worldview of modern science has no place for the God of the Bible. But the scientific worldview is itself filled with unsolved mysteries, such as the creation of matter, dark matter, the laws of nature, and the origin of life. Other events, such as those involving the paranormal, have no place in the scientific worldview because science has no theory to account for them. Meanwhile, 90% of U.S. citizens believe in God, and the Bible remains far and away the best-selling book of all time. Is there something in the Bible that might provide the missing piece to the scientific puzzle? Thomas Fusco, the author of Behind the Cosmic Veil: A New Vision of Reality Merging Science, The Spiritual and the Supernatural, joins host Philip Mereton in a no-holds barred conversation that examines the gaps in our current science worldview, and how revisiting our spiritual foundations might lead...


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