“Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected. ” Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose “From your thought springs your reality. From your ideas your future emerges.” Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge Thoughts become things. Radiate positive vibrations and watch the universe reverberate in kind; we create our own reality; think high thoughts and your world grows brighter; focus on the negative, and your fears materialize. Thoughts inside attract things out there. Tomorrow’s God will come down to earth and be part of us, as humankind awakens to find that its concept of a supreme being does not reflect the real God. Life is God acting out its purpose, becoming real in physical form. A universal mind underlies the world; speak to it and it will supply an answer. Make up your mind; think positive thoughts; enrich yourself; leave...
Albert Einstein famously said that, “belief in an external world independent of the perceiving subject is the basis of all natural science.” This statement has become the governing principle of modern science and, in fact, the very definition of reality. It is echoed by leading modern scientists such as Lee Smolin, who writes in the The Trouble with Physics (p. 6-7), that “Physicists have traditionally expected that science should give an account of reality as it would be in our absence. . . . It cannot be that reality depends on our existence. . . . Philosophers call this view realism. It can be summarized by saying that the real world out there . . . must exist independently of us.” Similarly, the late Stephen Hawking writes in The Grand Design (p. 43)(with Leonard Mlodinow) , that “[c]lassical science is based on the belief that there exists a real external world...
“Collective human consciousness and life on our planet are intrinsically connected.” Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth: Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose “From your thought springs your reality. From your ideas your future emerges.” Neale Donald Walsch, Tomorrow’s God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge Thoughts become things. Radiate positive vibrations and watch the universe reverberate in kind; we create our own reality; think high thoughts and your world grows brighter; focus on the negative, and your fears materialize. Thoughts inside attract things out there. Tomorrow’s God will come down to earth and be part of us, as humankind awakens to find that its concept of a supreme being wrongly reflects the real deity. Life is God acting out its purpose, becoming real in physical form. A universal mind underlies the world; speak to it and it will supply an answer. Make up your mind; think positive thoughts; enrich yourself; leave your...