And the Mountain too is Spirit: The Flaw of Intelligent Design
“And the earth was without form, and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” Genesis 1.2 The Intelligent Design movement is growing in strength. It is difficult to ignore the force of the arguments made by Stephen Meyer, Michael Behe, Donald Axe, and many others that the mindless, random worldview adopted by modern science cannot explain the undeniable order in the world. From the computer-like code of the DNA molecule to the fine-tuning of the fundamental parameters that make a universe – and life itself – possible, it takes a great leap of faith to adopt the position that no intelligence of any kind is involved in how the world operates. But that is the leap modern, materialistic science makes: today’s scientists attempt to explain the world without resorting to a supernatural power or an intelligence of...