Tag: leaders

Give Peace a Real Chance

    Where there is no vision, the people perish. Proverbs 29:18, King James Version   At this moment in history, there are 10 wars in progress, 1 billion people have no job, 3 billion people live in poverty, 800 million don’t have enough to eat, 100 million don’t have a home, 93 people per day are killed by guns in the U.S., and the world’s supply of nuclear weapons exceeds 15,000. Peace remains an elusive and quixotic goal, something for religious and political leaders to now and then mention, but a concept with no real place in the world agenda. But we are too limited in our vision.  Too scared to reach higher.  Too intimated by tough-talkers to even consider something that points toward peace instead of confrontation. This blog goes out on a limb and presents an option that remains faint over the horizon, but offers hope of a...
